Md. Atikur Rahman
Md. Atikur Rahman Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science



Atikur Rahman has been completed a 4-years BSc honours program and MSc degree in Statistics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He achieved the first position in order of merit with CGPA in BSc and MSc programs, respectively. He also secured his second MSc program in statistics from the University of Nottingham, UK in 2019. 


Medical Statistics, Biostatistics, Public Health, Machine Learning, Applied Statistics, Bayesian Inference, Infectious Disease.


Abdulla F, Hossain M M, Hai A, Khan M T F, Rahman A, Rahman A, Exploring the Prevalence, Duration and Determinants of Participation in Household Chores among Children Aged 5-17 Years in Bangladesh., Child Indicators Research, 2023. doi:
Rahman A, Hossain Z, Rahman ML, Kabir E, Determinants of children ever born among ever-married women in Bangladesh: evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey 2017–2018, BMJ Open, 12, 2022. doi:
Rahman A, Hossain Z, Kabir E, Rois R, An Assessment of Random Forest Technique using Simulation Study: Illustration with Infant Mortality in Bangladesh, Health Information Science and Systems, 10, 12, 2022. doi:
Rois R, Ray M, Rahman A, Roy SK., Prevalence and predicting factors of perceived stress among Bangladeshi university students using machine learning algorithms, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 40, 50, 2021. doi:
Rahman A, Marjan N, Afroz N, Afroz N, Hossain Z, Prevalence and transmission of COVID-19 in community and household levels of Bangladesh: Longini and Koopman epidemic modelling approach, International Journal of Clinical Practice, e14921, 2021. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.14921
Rahman A, Hossain Z., Rahman M. L., Majumder A. K., Seasonal Adjustment Based on Neural-Network in Time Series Analysis: A Comparative Study, Journal of Statistical Studies, 35, pp.65-75, (2021).
Marjan N., Rahman A, Rois R., Rahman Az., Factors associated with coverage of vitamin a supplementation among Bangladeshi children: mixed modelling approach, BMC Public Health, 21, 648, (2021). doi:
Huq, M. N., Khan, S., Rahman, A., Jahan, R., Yasmin, S., Ending HIV/AIDS epidemic in Bangladesh by 2030, Journal of AIDS & clinical Research, 11, 6, pp.1-4, (2020). doi: 10.37421/jar.2020.11.812
Hossain, Z., Rahman M. A., Hossain M. M., and Karami, H., Over-differencing and Forecasting with Non-stationary Time Series Data, Dhaka University Journal of Science, 67, 1, pp.21-26, (2019).
Rahman M. A., Hossain Z., and Alam M. A. U., Time Series Modeling and Forecasting the Temperature in Dhaka District of Bangladesh, Jagannath University Journal of Science, 5, 1, pp.72-84, (2017).
Rahman M. A., Alam M. A. U., Marjan N., Impact of Risk Factors on Myocardial Infarction: Case Control Study, Jagannath University Journal of Science, 4, 2, pp.95-106, (2016).
Hossain M. M., Rahman M. A., Islam M. Z., and Majumder A. K., Forecasting of Humidity of Some Selected Stations from the Northern Part of Bangladesh: An Application of SARIMA Model, American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 12, 3, pp.182-192, (2016). doi: 10.3844/ajessp.2016.182.192


Rahman A, Hossain Z, Kabir E, Rois R, Machine learning algorithm for analysing infant mortality in Bangladesh, Health Information Science. HIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham (Proceedings), 13079, pp.205-219, 2021.


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
STAT-502 Advanced Classical and Bayesian Inference M.S. 2021
STAT-101 Basic Statistics Part I B. Sc. Honors 2021
STAT-104 MS Excel and Programming with C++ Part I B. Sc. Honors 2021
Physics-106 Elementary Statistics Part I B. Sc. Honors 2021
GS-207 General Statistics Part II B. Sc. Honors 2021
STAT-502 Advanced Classical and Bayesian Inference M.S. 2020
Stat-502 Advanced Classical and Bayesian Inference M.S. 2019
STAT 410 Categorical Data Analysis Part IV B. Sc. Honors 2020
GS 207 General Statistics Part II B. Sc. Honors 2020
Stat-104 MS Excel and Programming with C++ Part I B. Sc. Honors 2020
Physics-106 Elementary Statistics Part I B. Sc. Honors 2020

Academic Info

Institute: University of Nottingham
Period: 2018-2019

MSc in Statistics, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK

Institute: Jahangirnagar University
Period: 2012-2013

MSc in Statistics

Institute: Jahangirnagar University
Period: 2008- 2012

BSc (Honours) in Statistics

Institute: Bir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Rifles Public School and College
Period: 2008

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Institute: Barura Haji Nowab Ali Pilot High School
Period: 2006

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)


Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 22/11/2020 to Present

Department of Statistics

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Lecturer
Period: 16/09/2019 to 21/11/2020

Department of Statistics

Organization: Jagannath University
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 13/12/2018 to 15/09/2019

Department of Statistics

Organization: Jagannath University
Position: Lecturer
Period: 16/08/2015 to 12/12/2018

Department of Statistics


Md. Atikur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics and Data Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01779734089